Fire Safety Tips

5 Fire Safety Tips That You Need to Know

We want to start this article with a warning – these fire facts have to do with children. Some may be difficult to read, but it is information that is very important to the safety of all families. 

These five facts are everyday fire safety facts that are important to keep in mind everyday, not just in the autumn months.

5 Fire Safety Tips:

Fact #1:

Almost daily one child passes away in a home fire. This is not an easy fact to hear, but it’s a fact that must be listed as number one. To go further – 293 children are injured in fires or burns daily. To prevent your children from being hurt by fire, keep all matches and lighters out of reach of children, and practice their responses to smoke alarms. 

Fact #2:

90% of all fire related fatalities occur in the home. When you think about it, this percentage is extremely high, but makes perfect sense. Fireplaces, stoves, space heaters, stove tops, electrical outlets and cords, candles, unattended cigarettes, overheating appliances, candles, etc. All of these items can start a fire and contribute to the 90% statistic. Always keep an eye on anything that could potentially cause a fire in your home, and practice proper fire safety rules with appliances and electrical outlets.

Smoke Cleanup ServicesFact #3:

Having a working smoke detector in your home reduces the chance of dying in a home fire by 50%! Check your smoke detectors twice a month and make sure you change the batteries regularly. Most people do this in springtime, and don’t forget to check EVERY alarm. If there is a room in your home that does not have a smoke detector, by all means, add one.

Fact #4:

Fire spreads much faster than you realize. In fact, most house fires only allow about two minutes escape time once the alarm goes off. This means you, and the rest of your family, must have your home fire escape plan down to a science, and know exactly what to do in case of an emergency. Practice your plan under different conditions including in low light and darkness to simulate smokey conditions – this will make it as realistic as possible for you and your family. 

Fact #5:

Most families don’t even have an escape plan! In fact, over 77% of families do not have a fire escape plan ready to go or haven’t practiced their plan with the entire home. Now is the time to create a home escape plan. Visit and map out your home, developing your plan as you go. This will keep you and your family safe in the unfortunate event of a fire. 

Remember, planning for a fire is never a waste of time, and can ultimately save lives. Check your smoke alarms, practice your escape plan, and keep your family safe.

Fire Damage Restoration Services 

At A&J Property Restoration, we specialize in fire and smoke damage cleanup and restoration. We have a team of professionals that specialize in cleaning fire and smoke damage, odor removal, and contents cleaning. Our staff are available 24 hours a day for emergency fire damage restoration services for your home throughout Madison and Milwaukee, and surrounding WI cities.