frozen pipe maintenance guide

Don’t let those pipes freeze!

Cold weather is here, whether we like it or not. With temperatures dipping below freezing it’s extremely important that you have your home prepared. If your pipes aren’t well-insulated, it could cause them to freeze and burst. If that happens because pipes freeze, you’re looking at thousands of dollars in water damage to your home or business.

Take a look at the check list above and make sure your home and/or business is prepared for Wisconsin’s frigid winter weather.

Prevent Pipes From Bursting!

If you run into a problem or have any questions. Don’t hesitate to call us at 800-727-8990.

A&J Specialty Services, Inc. is a full-service, 24/7 emergency restoration company serving south-central Wisconsin. We are experts in water restoration, mold remediation, fire restoration and sewage cleanup.