Hut.. hut.. hike!!! Fall has arrived and football season is in full swing! Athletes schedules are packed with practices and games, where they’ll unleash pure adrenaline to the delight of sports fans across the nation.
A summer’s worth of anticipation and training, playing out on fields glowing under stadium lights.
So what happens when the overly excited college student tosses the football clear across the apartment, misses his teammate and hits the sprinkler head? Think it wouldn’t happen? It does…
Water soaks everything in sight, from the walls and carpet to furniture, laptops, TVs, beds and clothes. A complete mess!
Water damage can happen anytime, not only during exciting sporting event parties. We know college student’s are buried under piles of expenses, but that’s why renter’s insurance is so important. It often costs less than a couple hundred dollars per year, mere pennies to the thousands they would have to come up with to replace their belongings if they were stolen or destroyed.
Not only will it help replace their personal belongings, but it will also give them a cushion should they have to relocate while their apartment is being restored.
For more information on Renter’s Insurance, we’ve included a link to Neckerman Insurance Services of Madison, WI: Neckerman-Renter’s Insurance.
So get your student ready this school year for more wins than losses in both football and Renter’s Protection because whether it’s a football accidentally hitting the sprinkler head or a frozen pipe bursting — it could save you thousands!
By Jocelyn Dornfeld, A&J Property Restoration