A homeowner recently told us that she had left her house after turning on the washing machine, only to return 30 minutes later and discovered it was still filling up with water. Sadly for this homeowner, a broken water supply line caused extensive damage not only to the laundry room, but also to the ceiling, wall and floor in the room directly below the laundry area.
The homeowner said she couldn’t believe so much water could come out of such a small break in the pipe. She was shocked to learn that a 1/8-inch crack in a pipe can release up to 250 gallons of water a day. She was even more stunned to know that her washing machine used an upwards of 40 gallons of water per load.
Damaged water supply lines are often the most overlooked and potentially destructive and costly mistake we can make. The upside, most hoses and fittings that connect the washing machine to the water source are visible and can be inspected. Since most failures occur near the water connection (where the hose typically bends), this is what you should look for:
If you discover any of the danger signs from the list above, replace hoses and fittings immediately. Delaying could cause you to come home one day and find that your washing machine is spilling out water and flooding your home.
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