Specialty Cleaning | A&J Restoration
Before Your Crank Up the Heat, Take These Steps First
Nov 13, 2017
It won’t be long until the nip in the air turns downright frosty and has you reaching for the thermostat. Before you put your furnace on the task of making you toasty, take a preventative approach. Doing so may not only help to make sure your furnace and heating systems are running efficiently (saving you […]
8 Halloween Home Safety Measures to Welcome Trick-or-Treaters
Oct 23, 2017
When little ghouls and goblins come knocking demanding candy, you need to be armed. A big bowl of sweet treats and some festive decor is a start, but with more visitors in store at your front door, safety measures are a must to avoid potentially frightful accidents. Avoid the tricks of the holiday, and take […]
11 Fall Chores You Can Complete Fast
Oct 17, 2017
If your to-do list for fall seems to piling up as higher than the leaves on the ground, you’re not alone. While you may dream of apple picking, carving pumpkins, and hiking through brilliantly hued forest foliage, the reality may look more like busy evenings helping kids with homework, less daylight to fit in everything […]
Tips to Keep You, Your Guests, and Your Home Safe on July 4th
Jun 26, 2017
Whether you’re celebrating America’s Independence by celebrating with family and friends, grilling out, splashing in the pool or going to the beach, or getting out of town, making safety first priority is the best way to avoid accidents and losses from ruining your well-intentioned plans. Don’t think safety is a necessity for this independence holiday? […]
Spring To-Do List: Prep Your Home for Warmer Weather
Apr 10, 2017
With weather warming up, it’s time to shake off the cabin fever and put that extra stored-up energy toward preparing your home for the spring and summer seasons. Regular maintenance is key to preventing and responding to regular wear and tear that happens with age, use, and weather elements. And getting started early means more […]
Is Your Home at Risk for Sewage Damage?
Feb 27, 2017
Filled with bacteria and viruses, sewage water can be quite harmful if it seeps into your property. In addition to smelling bad, sewage water can lead to disease making those coming into contact with it quite ill. While leaks and flooding from freshwater sources can cause a great deal of damage, sewage water raises the […]
Mold and Mildew – What’s the difference?
Jan 16, 2017
Can You Spot the Difference? Mold and mildew, while not the same, have a lot of commonalities. Both are fungi, have similar visual characteristics, are drawn to moist spaces, and make for an unsightly mess in a person’s home. However, that’s where most of their likeness come to an end. While the two can be […]
Guide for Carpet Care
Nov 02, 2013
Carpet is an expensive investment. Whether in your home or your business, you likely spent hundreds getting it installed, which means replacing it, won’t be cheap. That’s why it’s so important to take good care of your carpet. Getting regular cleaning will ensure your carpet lasts as long as possible, saving you money. But what’s […]
Terrazzo Floors Restoration
Oct 01, 2013
A&J Property Restoration has a Specialty Cleaning division that prides itself in tackling unusual and potentially difficult projects. Recently, we undertook such a project in a downtown Madison Sorority House: restoring terrazzo floors. Terrazzo floors are frequently found in “mature” buildings in the Madison area, including older institutional structures like schools and government buildings, but […]